Subject: LASER: V5.2 LLLT Calculator Author: Scott K. Deuel DC Uploaded By: LLLTDC Date: 9/24/1999 File: LLLT99.ZIP (169029 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 241 Equipment: DOS or Windows 95/98 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, MS DOS Keywords: Deuel, LLLT, Laser Therapy, Medical, Health care, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Calculator, DOS Type: Shareware New for this version: - A pulsed laser calculation showing the milli-Joules per pulse (mJ/Hz) - A pulsed laser calculation showing the power density per pulse (PD/Hz) - The above were added to the printed laser report - Some printers were unable to print the "2" (superscript graphic character 2) so it was changed to "2" - Additional explanations were added to several of the "help" files - The reverse calculation process from beam area to a radius value was dropped - The radius field in the "laser" database was also eliminated - Access to the databases was added from the "depth calculator screen" by pressing the key - Another decimal place was added to the "average output" field on the main screen of the calculator - The program has a screen blanker which blanks the screen after 20 minutes of inactivity when started from the command prompt or in MS DOS mode For those of you haven't used the LLLT Calculator it's a must when reading laser therapy research papers. Why? Mostly because no one likes to do the LLLT math calculations and also because in many research papers the energy densities or joules aren't correctly reported. If the researchers provide the required laser specifications (AOP and Beam Area for continuous wave lasers or Peak Power, Pulse Frequency, Pulse Duration and Beam area for pulsed lasers and, of course, treatment time, the LLLT Calculator can quickly check and verify the accuracy of the reported parameters. The LLLT Calculator allows you to quickly enter the above laser parameters to determine: 1. Average output powers for (Q-switched) true pulsed lasers 2. Power density per pulse for a pulsed laser 3. Configured power densities for pulsed and continuous beam lasers 4. Beam areas for both circular and elliptical beams 5. Exposure time and energy density for a specified amount of joules 6. Joules imparted and energy density for a specified treatment time 7. The exposure time and joules imparted for a desired energy density 8. The time required for a specified energy density at a selected depth 9. The energy density at a specified depth based on a surface treatment time The LLLT Calculator also contains several helpful databases: 1. An applications data base to store information regarding successful treatment protocols for specific conditions reported in the literature 2. A data file to keep specifications for various lasers in your arsenal 3. A contacts data base to keep information on your colleagues or other addresses, phone and fax numbers, and etc. The applications data file will quickly convert your laser's specifications entered on the main screen for a comparison with those treatment parameters already recorded as successful. Some basic print features allow the user to print to either a dot matrix printer (66 lines per page) or a laser printer (60 lines per page). You'll be able to print specs for an entered laser with some basic times required for energy densities and joules using your entered laser specifications. The applications file can also be printed with corrected dose times for your specific laser. Even though this is an MS-DOS based program, it will work with Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and/or Windows 98. For support, contact the author directly at AOL Screen Name: LLLTDC To run, enter: LASER.EXE Documentation: README.TXT plus Help is provided within the program. Downloads of previous version: 112